Division |
Brigade |
Regiments and Others |
First Division
BG Thomas Welsh
1st Brigade
Col Henry Bowman
3rd Brigade
Col Daniel Leasure
Artillery |
- Battery D, Pennsylvania Light: Cpt George W. Durell
Second Division
BG Robert B. Potter
1st Brigade
Col Simon Goodell Griffin
2nd Brigade
BG Edward Ferrero
3rd Brigade
Col Benjamin C. Christ
- 29th Massachusetts: Ltc Joseph H. Barnes
- 46th New York: Col Joseph Gerhardt
- 50th Pennsylvania: Ltc Thomas S. Brenholtz
Artillery |
- Battery L, 2nd New York Light: Cpt Jacob Roemer
Artillery Reserve |
- Battery E, 2nd United States: Lt Samuel N. Benjamin
Division |
Brigade |
Regiments and Others |
Ninth Division
BG Peter J. Osterhaus
1st Brigade
BG Albert L. Lee (w May 19)
Col James Keigwin
2nd Brigade
Col Daniel W. Lindsey
Cavalry |
Cpt Jacob T. Foster
Tenth Division
BG Andrew J. Smith
- 4th Indiana Cavalry, Company C: Cpt Andrew P. Gallagher
1st Brigade
BG Stephen G. Burbridge
2nd Brigade
Col William J. Landram
Artillery |
Twelfth Division
BG Alvin P. Hovey
- 1st Indiana Cavalry, Company C: Lt James L. Carey
1st Brigade
BG George F. McGinnis
2nd Brigade
Col James R. Slack
Artillery |
Fourteenth Division
BG Eugene A. Carr
- 3rd Illinois Cavalry, Company G: Cpt Enos McPhail, Cpt Samuel S. Marrett
1st Brigade
BG William P. Benton
Col Henry D. Washburn
Col David Shunk
- 33rd Illinois: Col Charles E. Lippincott
- 99th Illinois: Col George W. K. Bailey, Ltc Lemuel Parke
- 8th Indiana: Col David Shunk, Maj Thomas J. Brady
- 18th Indiana: Col Henry D. Washburn, Cpt Jonathan H. Williams
- 1st United States (siege guns): Maj Maurice Maloney
2nd Brigade
BG Michael K. Lawler
Artillery |
Division |
Brigade |
Regiments and Others |
First Division
MG Frederick Steele
1st Brigade
Col Francis H. Manter
Col Bernard G. Farrar
- 13th Illinois: Col Adam B. Gorgas
- 27th Missouri: Col Thomas Curly
- 29th Missouri: Col James Peckham
- 30th Missouri: Ltc Otto Schadt
- 31st Missouri: Col Thomas C. Fletcher, Maj Frederick Jaensch, Ltc Samuel P. Simpson
- 32nd Missouri: Maj Abraham J. Seay
2nd Brigade
Col Charles R. Woods
- 25th Iowa: Col George A. Stone
- 31st Iowa: Col William Smyth, Maj Theodore Stimming
- 3rd Missouri: Ltc Theodore Meumann
- 12th Missouri: Col Hugo Wangelin
- 17th Missouri: Col Francis Hassendeubel, Ltc John F. Cramer
- 76th Ohio: Ltc William B. Woods
3rd Brigade
BG John M. Thayer
Artillery |
- 1st Battery, Iowa Light: Cpt Henry H. Griffiths
- Battery F, 2nd Missouri Light: Cpt Clemens Landgraeber
- 4th Battery, Ohio Light: Cpt Louis Hoffmann
Cavalry |
Second Division
MG Francis Preston Blair, Jr.
1st Brigade
Col Giles A. Smith
- 113th Illinois: Col George B. Hoge, Ltc John W. Paddock
- 116th Illinois: Col Nathan W. Tupper
- 6th Missouri: Ltc Ira Boutell, Col James H. Blood
- 8th Missouri: Ltc David C. Coleman
- 13th United States, 1st Battalion: Cpt Edward C. Washington, Cpt Charles Ewing, Cpt Charles C. Smith
2nd Brigade
Col Thomas Kilby Smith
BG Joseph A. J. Lightburn
3rd Brigade
BG Hugh Boyle Ewing
Artillery |
- Battery A, 1st Illinois Light: Cpt Peter P. Wood
- Battery B, 1st Illinois Light: Cpt Samuel E. Barrett, Lt Israel P. Rumsey
- Battery H, 1st Illinois Light: Cpt Levi W. Hart
- 8th Battery, Ohio Light: Cpt James F. Putnam
Cavalry |
- Thielemann's (Illinois) Battalion, Companies A and B: Cpt Milo Thielemann
- 10th Missouri, Company C: Cpt Daniel W. Ballou, Lt Benjamin Joel
Third Division
BG James M. Tuttle
1st Brigade
BG Ralph P. Buckland
Col William L. McMillen
- 114th Illinois: Col James W. Judy
- 93rd Indiana: Col De Witt C. Thomas
- 72nd Ohio: Ltc Le Roy Crockett, Maj Charles G. Eaton
- 95th Ohio: Col William L. McMillen, Ltc Jefferson Brumback
2nd Brigade
BG Joseph A. Mower
3rd Brigade
BG Charles L. Matthies
Col Joseph J. Woods
Cpt Nelson T. Spoor
- Battery E, 1st Illinois Light: Cpt Allen C. Waterhouse
- 2nd Battery, Iowa Light: Lt Joseph R. Reed
Unattached cavalry |
Division |
Brigade |
Regiments and Others |
First Division
BG William Sooy Smith
1st Brigade
Col John M. Loomis
Col Sanford J. Stoughton
2nd Brigade
Col Stephen G. Hicks
3rd Brigade
Col Joseph R. Cockerill
4th Brigade
Col William W. Sanford
Cpt William Cogswell
Fourth Division
BG Jacob G. Lauman
1st Brigade
Col Isaac C. Pugh
2nd Brigade
Col Cyrus Hall
3rd Brigade
Col George E. Bryant
Col Amory K. Johnson
Cavalry |
Cpt George C. Gumbart
Provisional Division
BG Nathan Kimball
Engelmann's Brigade
Col Adolph Engelmann
Richmond's Brigade
Col Jonathan Richmond
Montgomery's Brigade
Col Milton Montgomery
Division |
Brigade |
Regiments and Others |
Third Division
MG John A. Logan
- 2nd Illinois Cavalry, Company A: Lt William B. Cummins
1st Brigade
BG John E. Smith
BG Mortimer D. Leggett
2nd Brigade
BG Mortimer D. Leggett
Col Manning F. Force
3rd Brigade
BG John Dunlap Stevenson
Maj Charles J. Stolbrand
- Battery D, 1st Illinois Light: Cpt Henry A. Rogers, Lt George J. Wood, Cpt Frederick Sparrestrom
- Battery G, 2nd Illinois Light: Cpt Frederick Sparrestrom, Lt John W. Lowell
- Battery L, 2nd Illinois Light: Cpt William H. Bolton
- 8th Battery, Michigan Light: Cpt Samuel De Golyer, Lt Theodore W. Lockwood
- 3rd Battery, Ohio Light: Cpt William S. Williams
Sixth Division
BG John McArthur
- 11th Illinois Cavalry, Company G: Lt Stephen S. Tripp
1st Brigade
(Post of Lake Providence)
BG Hugh T. Reid
2nd Brigade
BG Thomas E.G. Ransom
3rd Brigade
Col William Hall
Col Alexander Chambers
Maj Thomas D. Maurice
Seventh Division
BG Isaac Quinby
BG John E. Smith
1st Brigade
Col John B. Sanborn
2nd Brigade
Col Samuel A. Holmes
Col Green B. Raum
3rd Brigade
Col George B. Boomer (k) [May 22]
Col Holden Putnam
BG Charles L. Matthies
- 93rd Illinois: Col Holden Putnam, Ltc Nicholas C. Buswell, Col Holden Putnam
- 5th Iowa: Ltc Ezekiel S. Sampson, Col Jabez Banbury
- 10th Iowa: Col William E. Small
- 26th Missouri: Maj Charles F. Brown (k) [May 16]; Cpt Benjamin D. Dean
Cpt Frank C. Sands
Cpt Henry Dillon
Herron's Division
MG Francis J. Herron
1st Brigade
BG William Vandever
2nd Brigade
BG William W. Orme
Unattached cavalry
Col Cyrus Bussey
- 5th Illinois Cavalry: Maj Thomas A. Apperson
- 3rd Iowa: Maj Oliver H. P. Scott
- 2nd Wisconsin: Col Thomas Stephens
Brigades |
Regiments and batteries |
Detached Brigade
Col George W. Neeley
- 63rd Illinois: Col Joseph B. McCown
- 108th Illinois: Ltc Charles Turner
- 120th Illinois: Col George W. McKeaig
- 131st Illinois: Col George W. Neeley, Maj Joseph L. Purvis
- 10th Illinois Cavalry, Companies A, D, G, and K: Maj Elvis P. Shaw
African Brigade
Col Isaac F. Shepard
Post of Goodrich's Landing, La.
Col William F. Wood
- 1st Arkansas: Ltc James W. Campbell
- 10th Louisiana: Ltc Frederick M. Crandall